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INTERRESKOM BOOKKEEPING AGENCY Book-keeping agencies Belgrade


Book-keeping agencies Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday We are closed
Sunday We are closed


  • Bus: 17, 308, 31, 50, 64, 308, 310, 31N, 50, Ada 3, E1
  • Trolley: 19

Interreskom Ltd. was founded on December 31, 1991, as a family-owned business. Since then, we have been operating as a service provider in the field of accounting and bookkeeping services. From a small accounting firm, we have grown into a company with 5 employees, conducting business activities in our own premises in Konjarnik.

The company was founded by Milena Jovanović, a graduate economist, licensed accountant, and expert in her field. In addition to accounting services, the company also serves as your tax advisor and a trusted partner in business. Thanks to high automation, we are able to provide quality data at any time.

We offer special packages for service industries and lump-sum taxpayers!

Our services include:

  • Pre-bookkeeping document verification
  • Financial accounting
  • Inventory accounting
  • Fixed assets register and depreciation calculation
  • Calculation of retail and wholesale prices
  • VAT records maintenance and VAT calculation
  • Reconciliation with customers and suppliers
  • Bank statement processing and reporting on receivables and liabilities
  • Cashier operations
  • Payroll, compensation, and fee calculation
  • Preparation of annual tax and other filings
  • Employee health and social insurance registration and deregistration
  • Preparation of monthly, periodic, and annual reports
  • Keeping clients informed about current changes in legal regulations
  • Consulting services

The price of accounting services depends on various factors, including your tax status, business size, industry, VAT registration, number of documents, type of business activities, whether you are starting a business, number of employees for Personal Income Tax calculation, and more. These are just examples; ultimately, discussion always leads to an agreement.