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LOGOPEDILISTE Speech therapist, defectologist Belgrade translate.Član 5 godina


Speech therapist, defectologist Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday We are closed


  • Bus: 18, 607, 610, 611, 68, 708, 711, 73, 76, 85, 88

Useful information


Welcome to Logopedilište!

The work of a speech therapist is truly diverse and encompasses working with a wide range of disorders, difficulties, or delays in the development of language skills, speech, reading, writing, and communication in general. These issues can occur at any age, creating greater or lesser challenges for both the individuals affected and the people in their social environment.

Among the adults and children who come to Logopedilište, you will meet those diagnosed with autism, pervasive developmental disorder, developmental dysphasia, dyslalia, dysarthria, dyslexia, dysgraphia, stuttering, verbal apraxia, insufficient mental development, attention disorders, aphasia... However, we see and get to know them as Marko, Andreja, Mihailo, Đole, Tea, Vanja, Neća, Lazar, Leposava... Each of them is a story in itself, a unique individual with its own characteristics, living in its own specific environment and progressing at its own pace.

Respecting the individuality of each person we meet, we continuously follow the latest developments in the field, constantly modernizing and adapting our equipment, methods, and working materials. We strive to approach the person both as an individual and as a social being, encouraging the development and strengthening of communication, while providing support in applying what has been learned in the natural environment.

Communication is a basic human right. By enabling a person to communicate, thus expressing and sharing their needs, thoughts, and feelings with others, we create a higher level of inclusion in society, significantly increasing their independence and quality of life.

Teamwork is what we are proud of. Our team consists of speech therapists, a surd-audiologist, an oligophrenologist, a somatopedist, a psychologist, a music educator, and a drama educator. We are all ready to contribute to overcoming the challenges you face. Through synergy, we achieve the best results.

According to your needs, you can choose from some of the following services:

  1. Individual speech therapy
  2. Counseling for families
  3. Support group for parents
  4. Support group for siblings
  5. Parent training in daily life settings
  6. Counseling for teachers
  7. Counseling for educators
  8. Play-based learning
  9. Psychomotor re-education
  10. Sensory integration therapy
  11. Body language learning program
  12. Music workshop
  13. Fine motor skills workshop
  14. Social skills workshop
  15. Sensory room

For more detailed information, visit our website:

Logopedilište, Omladinskih brigada 4, 1st floor, apartment 2, New Belgrade