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Dermatovenerology Belgrade
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Monday 13:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 13:00 - 19:00
Thursday 13:00 - 19:00
Friday 13:00 - 19:00
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Sunday 11:00 - 17:00

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Žensko preduzetništvo Women's entrepreneurship



1. How and at what point did you come up with the idea to start your own business?
During my studies, I never thought about having my own business. However, after finishing college and facing the reality that medicine isn't like it is in books, when you go for your internship to apply what you've learned, but you lack the conditions and work with people who love to give orders but lack knowledge, and they only try to trip you up. The working conditions were terrible back in 2000, and then you realize that stress is affecting your thyroid and colon, and you forget the beauty of medicine. After my internship, I made a quick decision, left the state job, got a volunteer position in dermatovenerology, and decided to become an entrepreneur. I realized this idea in 2007 without looking back; I knew I had the knowledge and could make it happen.

2. What are you proud of in your business?
Primarily, I'm proud of my work and results, now with 16 years of private practice. My patients keep pushing me forward, and I always give them a reason to smile.

3. What is the secret of your success? (List three qualities, behaviors, beliefs, or abilities)
In everything you do, you must be persistent because if you're not willing to go all the way, don't even start. It also takes courage because it's usually an unknown path when you start your own business, especially when you go into it alone. When you don't have someone watching your back or helping you in those critical moments that will undoubtedly happen. That's when it's the toughest, but when you overcome it, it's the sweetest. I believe that a deep love for what you do is necessary to succeed because if you don't love your job and believe that you can achieve it, there is no passion or determination to turn your dreams into reality.

4. Who is your biggest support?
My sister Sonja always encouraged me as much as she knew because this was also unfamiliar to her. She cheered me on. Of course, my friends are always there, providing selfless support when needed. With their positive attitude, the right words at the right moment that make me think. My daughter, who, when I look at her, makes me realize that everything is worth the effort.

5. What is your guiding principle?
When I fall, I quickly get up and charge forward even stronger.

6. Do you have role models who have motivated or continue to motivate you for further work?
Imagine I don't have role models, but all humane people inspire me.

7. What did you have to give up?
The first 10 years were the hardest, haha, during that time, I sacrificed a lot. I worked a lot, and I still work a lot, but it's easier now mentally.

8. What drove you forward, and how did you stay motivated during tough times?
As I mentioned earlier, it's the love for the work I do, the people I help, and the fact that I never lost sight of my goal. Even when I was "sinking" and thought it was impossible to succeed, I overcame my obstacles and fears with every ounce of my strength.

9. What advice would you give to new female entrepreneurs or a younger version of yourself?
Prepare for battle. There will be many ups and downs. Not everyone has good intentions, and there will be a lot of obstructions. Your back will be full of "knives." To my younger self and other young women, I would say, "Keep your head high. Don't let the negativity of bad people affect you too much. They are bad, and you can't change that." I would also add that it pays off in the end because you'll be fulfilled by your work, but also that success is not forgiven here, and you must get used to that.

10. On a scale of 1-10, how challenging is it to be a female entrepreneur in Serbia?
I'm now pondering this question a bit because I always see myself as a doctor; I do my job, and that's it, I forget that I'm an entrepreneur.

11. When you're a woman in the business world, how common are inappropriate offers?
I haven't encountered that, although I've heard about it. Sometimes it's nice to pretend you're deep in thought.

12. Where exactly do you see yourself in 5 years?
Well, I would love to try my luck abroad. Until now, even though I've had offers, I couldn't see myself doing that. Now, I'm starting to think about what it would be like. We'll see because I have some plans to finish here. Whether it will be in five or ten years, I don't know, but I definitely have plans.

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Dr. Svetlana Borozan is a specialist in dermatology and venereology from Belgrade. She focuses on diagnosing and treating skin diseases in children and adults. As a doctor with many years of experience, Dr. Borozan treats sebaceous gland disorders (seborrhea, acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis), eczema, and skin infections. She also performs aesthetic procedures such as chemical peels, mesotherapy, and hyaluronic fillers. In 2007, she opened her private practice, Dermatology Center Dr. Borozan, where she successfully pursues her profession. A brief stint abroad at the beginning of her career significantly enhanced her expertise. She speaks two foreign languages: English and Italian. She is a member of UDVS, SLD, and LK.

What inspired you to become a dermatologist?
For 17 years, I suffered from severe acne, which made me very dissatisfied. I took many antibiotics, but the acne always returned. I even developed intestinal candidiasis from the antibiotics, which I treated for ten years. I realized I had to take matters into my own hands. I discovered the importance of good chemical peels and healed in two years. Interestingly, my first love was gynecology.

What does a typical day in your practice look like?
It’s like the ebb and flow of the tide. Most of my patients come with long-standing, unresolved skin issues, which can be very exhausting. You have to listen carefully to their stories and look for clues that might help guide treatment. The skin is closely connected to the brain, and many skin diseases are linked to psychological factors. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t find the root cause.

How often should people have dermatological check-ups?
When you're younger, it’s on an as-needed basis if you have a problem. After age 45, annual check-ups are recommended, particularly for mole examinations.

What symptoms might indicate a more serious skin problem?
There are several: infections that don’t heal, wounds that don’t close, changes in moles, and others.

What are the basic steps in a daily skincare routine?
In the morning, wash your face with water and apply an SPF cream to your face and neck. In the evening, remove makeup from your eyes, wash your face with a gel cleanser, and apply a night cream.

How can one choose the right products for their skin type?
It’s difficult because the market is oversaturated with products. For example, dry skin needs more hydration and serums, oily skin needs light hydration and a good cleansing gel, and combination skin requires special care with a focus on the oily T-zone and dehydrated cheeks. A good cream shouldn’t make the skin greasy or dry it out.

Your favorite advice for healthy skin:
Always remove makeup before bed, get enough sleep, avoid heavy foundations, and don’t pick at your face. Stay hydrated inside and out. Start preventive skincare and chemical peels between the ages of 25 and 30.

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