Photo: olbrih.blogspot.com
The first supermarket in Serbia began work in 1958 in Belgrade, on the Flower square, only a few years after the first supermarket in South-East Europe in the Croatian town Ivanec. The seemingly endless rows of products offered mostly broadly used goods such as frozen products, fresh fruits and veggies, baby food and luxury drinks but also dishes, cloth and socks. Everything was available then and there with new technologies and package design. Moreover with almost 4000 articles the "Cvetni trg" could stand on par with American supermarkets with almost the same amount of goods for that time. The baskets used in "Cvetni trg" supermarket were imported from Italy and the reason for that were short deadlines so the national manufacturers didn't have the time to master the production methods for mobilliaries.
By next year 1959 there were already eight new supermarkets in Belgrade.