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Monday 12:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday 12:00 - 21:00
Friday 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday We are closed
Sunday We are closed


  • Bus: 16, 17, 607, 610, 611, 612, 613, 711, 73, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 15, 704, 707

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Specialist Clinic for Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases Tragus

Tragus offers diagnostic services for ENT diseases, preoperative preparation, postoperative care, and follow-up.

Diagnostic procedures are performed in modern conditions with state-of-the-art equipment by trained and highly dedicated staff with years of clinical experience in tertiary healthcare institutions.

We are especially equipped for endoscopic examinations of the ENT region. Using rigid or flexible endoscopy, with high-resolution cameras and monitors, we can accurately examine hard-to-reach and hidden cavities of the ear, nose, and throat.

To our knowledge, we are the only clinic in the city offering the possibility of phoniatric examinations using endovideostroboscopy, i.e., high-resolution cameras, enabling detailed examination of the vocal cords, precise diagnosis, and the ability to document each patient's condition photographically, ensuring quality evaluation of therapeutic results.

This method is of exceptional importance in diagnosing vocal cord paralysis and paresis, early tumor processes, and professional diseases (singers, journalists, lecturers, etc.)

Our friendly staff and pleasant environment will ensure that your visit to the doctor is a pleasant experience.

Our Team:

  • Doc Dr. Sci. Med. Milanko Milojević, Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Dr. Vasil Hristov, Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Dr. Dragoslava Djerić, Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Ass. Dr. Sci. Med. Jelena Sotirović, Otorhinolaryngologist/Phoniatrist
  • Dr. Sci. Med. Dejan Radaljac, Otorhinolaryngologist/Phoniatrist
  • Ass. Dr. Jelena Vuković, Pulmonologist
  • Dr. Deana Tucaković Parabucki, Allergist
  • Logoped Radmila Čvorović
  • Surdologist Sanja Simonović

Services Available at Our Clinic:

ENT Examination:

  • Audiometry
  • Tympanometry
  • Caloric Test
  • Positional Tests
  • Flexible Laryngoscopy
  • Rigid Endoscopy
  • Endovideostroboscopy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Intratympanic Instillations
  • Ear Washing

Pulmonologist Examination:

  • Spirometry
  • Bronchodilator Test
  • Prick Skin Tests for Inhalant Allergens
  • PPD Tests (Tuberculin Tests)

Allergist Examination:

  • Rhinoprovocation Test
  • SLIT (Sublingual Immunotherapy)

Our clinic also offers the possibility of surgical treatment under local anesthesia, as well as the possibility of surgeries under general endotracheal anesthesia in collaboration with top hospital institutions.

Ear Surgeries:

  • Otoplasty – Correction of protruding ears Performed under general anesthesia in children and local anesthesia in adults. The postoperative period is accompanied by low-intensity pain.

  • Insertion of Drainage and Aeration Tubes Chronic secretory otitis, which affects preschool children, is the most common reason for this intervention.

  • Stapedoplasty Otosclerosis is a disease of the inner ear that gradually leads to hearing loss. The surgical technique used to resolve this problem is called stapedoplasty, which is a micro-surgical technique. A favorable outcome, which is most often the result, brings significant and immediate relief to the patient, improving their social contact and overall quality of life.

  • Tympanoplasty This is a common term for many micro-surgical operations used to treat middle ear diseases, often chronic inflammatory ones with or without cholesteatoma. The goal is to remove the pathological process and improve hearing. Patients with cholesteatoma require special attention as it can spread to surrounding structures of the middle ear.

  • Cochlear Implant For the most severe hearing impairments and deafness, cochlear implantation is the solution. The surgery involves implanting a highly sophisticated device into the inner ear to directly stimulate the auditory nerve. This surgery is suitable for both children and adults, with the time from hearing loss to cochlear implantation being crucial for successful rehabilitation.

  • Labyrinthectomy Aimed at destroying the inner ear, this surgery is performed in advanced stages of Meniere's disease when medication has not yielded satisfactory results. Patients with persistent vertigo and nausea, despite maximum medical therapy, benefit from this procedure. The desired effect is the withdrawal of symptoms, with the downside being potential hearing loss, which patients are informed of before surgery.

  • Myringoplasty This operation aims to close perforations of the tympanic membrane, preventing infections and improving hearing. The defect is closed using muscle fascia, periosteum, and similar materials from the patient.

Throat Surgeries:

  • Tonsillectomy Often performed in preschool children due to chronic tonsil inflammation. Adult age is not a contraindication for this surgery, which brings significant relief in indicated cases.

  • Vocal Cord Polyp Surgery (LMS) Laryngomicroscopy allows detailed examination of the larynx, pharynx, and upper esophagus structures under general anesthesia. Polyps on the vocal cords are most commonly removed during this procedure.

  • Uvula Palatoplasty Recommended for patients diagnosed with soft palate weakness and an elongated uvula causing snoring. It reduces snoring frequency and intensity and often stops apneas.

Nose and Sinus Surgeries:

  • FESS – Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery This term covers many nose and sinus surgeries, resolving chronic inflammations, polyps, cysts, mucoceles, chronic lacrimal sac inflammations, benign tumors, some malignant ones, etc. Without making external facial incisions, FESS provides a view of all sinuses, identifying and removing pathological processes.

  • Septoplasty This surgery corrects a deviated nasal septum to restore normal nasal breathing. Symptoms of septal deviation include nasal obstruction, frequent nosebleeds, recurrent sinusitis, and headaches. The surgery is performed through one nostril, with no external incisions, and tampons are placed in both nostrils to prevent hematomas, staying for four days. Complete nasal function restoration takes about a month.

  • Inferior Turbinate Surgery with Radiowaves Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates usually results from mucosal or skeletal thickening. Causes can vary from septal deformities, allergic reactions, mucosal inflammation due to nasal drop abuse, or unknown reasons. Chronic enlargement is treated by reducing turbinates with laser or radiofrequency techniques.

We proudly highlight that the recommendations of our satisfied patients are our best advertisement.

Be one of them!

Payment Options: We accept card payments (VISA, DINACARD, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO)

Partnership: We have partnered with UNIQA Insurance.

Methods of payment

Cards Cheque