Weather forecast Belgrade 11 ℃
Partially cloudy with rain
Forecast for the next 5 days
EXCHANGE OFFICE ALEKSANDAR Exchange office Belgrade translate.Član 10 godina


Exchange office Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday 06:30 - 21:00
Friday 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday 06:30 - 21:00
Sunday 06:30 - 21:00

Additional Locations

Useful information

Open on Sundays

Exchange Office Alexander, in Obrenovac there for 17 years.
More recently we have started to do and buying gold and silver as well as the Serbian State Lottery.
You never know, you might just bring me happiness.

* Jewelry:
- Purchase of gold and silver

* Serbian State Lottery

* Exchange:
- Purchase, sale, conversion for all currencies
- What We can expect to:

* Best rates
* Fair and honest relationship (no hidden fees)
* Discretion and safety
* Ability to deal with larger amounts
