EURO GEO Geodetic, geology Belgrade


Geodetic, geology Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday 07:00 - 22:00
Friday 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday 07:00 - 22:00

Additional Locations

Useful information

Open on Sundays Going out into the field

“EURO GEO” Geodetic Agency

Operating with authorization from the Republic Geodetic Authority, we provide geodetic services across Serbia. We are here for all necessary geodetic tasks related to the maintenance of cadastral records and real estate. We also prepare geodetic bases in engineering and technical fields and handle the completion of technical and legal documentation.

Our long-standing practical experience in applied engineering geodesy ensures a successful construction process for major infrastructure projects. We work with strict adherence to deadlines for all tasks.


  • Monitoring construction and operation of buildings
  • Geodetic surveying and marking of underground pipelines, installations, and structures
  • Calculation of excavation and embankment volumes
  • Specification and measurement of interior spaces
  • Preparation of geodetic work reports
  • Technical inspection of buildings – occupancy permit
  • Control and verification of building verticality
  • Monitoring building settlement, installation of benchmarks on buildings
  • Foundation control (foundation survey)
  • Situational survey of initial conditions
  • Geodetic marking of buildings and associated infrastructure
  • Regulation protocol
  • Terrain leveling, relief depiction
  • Geodetic survey of existing building conditions
  • Geodetic survey of building facades in both analog and digital formats
  • 3D scanning of buildings


  • Boundary marking of cadastral parcels
  • Merging of cadastral parcels
  • Internal subdivision of cadastral parcels – Land use
  • Identification (finding) of cadastral parcels on-site
  • Geodetic survey and registration of buildings in the cadastral records – Geodetic survey
  • Preparation of situational plans
  • Identification (finding) of cadastral parcels on cadastral plans, aerial, or satellite images
  • Preparation of cadastral-topographic plans
  • Formation of building parcels
  • Preparation of condominium documentation – specification of individual parts of buildings
  • Division of cadastral parcels
  • Pre-parcelation project – Geodetic marking project
  • Geodetic measurement of distance from betting shops to schools
  • Legalization or regularization of buildings – complete documentation


Our prices are always exceptionally fair, but it is not possible to specify them in advance as they depend on the type, location, duration, and scope of the work. However, some services have standard prices for the central municipalities of Belgrade, such as:

  • Geodetic survey of building (up to 300m²) – 100 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Internal subdivision of cadastral parcels – Land use (up to 50 ares) – 100 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Merging of cadastral parcels (up to 50 ares) – 100 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Condominium documentation – specification of individual parts of buildings (up to 300m²) – 50 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Formation of building parcels – Geodetic marking project (up to 50 ares) – 300 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Obtaining documents – Property sheet, plan copy, location information, underground pipeline plan, etc. – by agreement with the client
  • Identification (finding) of cadastral parcels on-site (up to 50 ares) – 100 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Identification (finding) of cadastral parcels on cadastral plans, aerial, and satellite images (up to 50 ares) – 50 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Geodetic measurement of distance from betting shops to schools – 100 euros (in dinar equivalent)
  • Boundary marking of cadastral parcels (up to 50 ares) – 100 euros (in dinar equivalent)


Methods of payment

Cards Cheque