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Partially cloudy with rain
Forecast for the next 5 days
DR ZUTIC Gynecology Belgrade translate.Član 10 godina


Gynecology Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 07:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 21:00
Thursday 07:00 - 21:00
Friday 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday 07:00 - 15:00
Sunday 09:00 - 14:00


  • Bus: 18, 601N, 607, 610, 611, 68, 68N, 708, 711, 73, 76, 85, 88, 17, 70, 74, Ada 2, Ada 5

Useful information

Since its foundation the clinic „Dr Zutic“ has been providing its patients with quality and efficient healthcare in extreemly clean premises. We are also well known for treating our patience with kindness and appropriate empathy.  Since good health is the first precondition for one to be happy, we have been doing our best to make our patients happy.

Having started as an ORL clinic, we have grown into a reputable ENT hospital that specializes in a variety of surgical procedures for children and adults in that domain. 

We have specialists from the following fields:

Within the polyclinic Dr Zutic and our pediatric service, we perform all types of regular checkups for children, including monitoring their development. 

If your child is sick, you can bring them in to be examined by experienced and dedicated paediatricians as well as sub-specialist paediatricians in various fields of medicine (pulmology, radiology, alergology, cardiology, physiatry, orthopedics, children's and adolescent gyneacology and children's surgery). 

Pored standardnih ORL pregleda, u Dr Žutić ORL ordinaciji se mogu obaviti različite operacije iz oblasti otorinolaringologije. ORL operacije koje ova zdravstvena ustanova pruža su: operacija krajnika, operacija trećeg krajnika, operacija trećeg krajnika sa ugradnjom ventilacionih cevčica, detubacija-vađenje ventilacionih cevčica, operacija polipa u nosu, operacija krive nosne pregrade i sl.

In additon to all kinds of ENT consultations and check-ups, we perform many ENT surgeries in our clinic. The ENT surgeries that we provide include: tonsillectomies, third tonsil surgery, third tonsil surgery with ventillation tube insertion, nasal polyp, curved nasal septum surgery and more. 

Gynaecological examinations at Dr Zutic clinic are done using the latest generation technologies in a pleasant environment and by the best experts who have years of experience. Gynecologists who have residency at Dr Zutic are Dr Djukanovic Milana and Dr Snezana Vukoje-Misic. 

  • Internal medicine
  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Pulmology
  • Rheumatology
  • Hematology
  • Alergology


Methods of payment

Cards Cheque