When we started operating in 2002, our main goal was to provide our patients with quality, reliable, and above all, accurate healthcare services.
The number of patients who have trusted us with their health so far confirms our success in this endeavor.
The commitment of the "Srbolab" laboratory has always been to follow contemporary global trends in the medical sciences, as well as to apply the latest scientific knowledge in our work, with the goal of achieving the most accurate results.
For these reasons, we have joined the European quality control program for laboratories – "PREVECAL". We have been awarded certificates for successful operations since 2003, as well as the "PREVECAL GOLD" and "PREVECAL PLATINUM" certifications.
The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. All tests are performed on automated hematological, biochemical, and immunochemical analyzers, which are connected to a computer system, ensuring high precision and accuracy in our work.
In our laboratory, you can undergo hematological, biochemical tests, hormone and tumor marker analyses, drug levels in blood, virological, immunological, and allergological tests, and all microbiology-related examinations.
The laboratory also provides field services.