

Maderotherapy Belgrade
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About us - Orhideja maderotherapy rolling pins

Our company has been woodworking for 25 years now. All the experience we gained in wood processing was put to use working with a team of maderotherapy experts designed wooden massage elements, better known as maderotherapy rolling pins. For the last three years we have focused on producing the highest quality massage rolling pins. Our team includes 6 experienced woodworkers who put their all into their work and that is shown in the quality and spread of our products in the Balkans but also around the world. That is all we will say about ourselves - you will hear much more from our satisfied clients and associates.

What is maderotherapy?

Maderotherapy is a massage technique that removes cellulite and involves using wooden massage elements that resemble rolling pins. It originated in Colombia.

The rolling pin massage boosts the body's lymphatic system to release accumulated toxins, fats and cellulite in the body. Persistent cellulite is known to have harmful effects beyond appearance and can persist even in athletes and otherwise fit people. Before Maderotherapy there wasn't a good way to efficiently remove cellulite but now we can achieve excellent results. In order for cellulite to completely go away, it is important to undergo treatments regularly, in series of 10 treatments and up.

What is a maderotherapy session like and how does it lead to cellulite reduction?

The wood therapy or maderotherapy is done using special techniques where the maderotherapist uses rolling pins (made exclusively of wood) to pressure certain points that stimulate the lymphatic system which is in charge of regulating the expulsion of toxic matter from the body. Using even and rhythmical movements, they stimulate the lymphatic flow and perform lymphatic drainage. Maderotherapy activates the metabolism and causes the organism to release the toxins faster, including fat deposits and cellulite.

Results and expectations?

Results from maderotherapy can vary wildly on an individual level. Meaning that the speed at which you attain results will depend on how persistent your cellulite is. Very often people who don't seem to have a lot of cellulite actually lose it more slowly than the women who are more heavily set. Anti-cellulite rolling pins are an important factor in removing cellulite, but not the only one. It's very important to drink a lot of water during the treatment period so that the toxins would be expunged via urine and lymph nodes.

Rolling pin and treatment prices

The price for individual rolling pins ranges between 1200-3500rsd, while a set of 6 or 7 of them ranges between 11700 to 12500rsd. The treatment prices may vary between 800-2500rsd depending on what region is treated and how long the session lasts.





