Weather forecast Belgrade 22 ℃
Partially cloudy with rain
Forecast for the next 5 days
Oils and filters


  • Address: 23a Slavka Rodica st., Rakovica
  • Phone: +381 11 2337 887, 2346 706
  • The company for European and Korean vehicles. Services that are available here are: body Lighting equipment tinker Coolers bumpers mirrors Masks et al. In the field of lighting equipment we offer: - h...
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13th of August company was founded in 1993 in Belgrade. Its activity is import and sales of water filters as well as production of liquid for vertebra and distilled waters. In addition we also deal in sales of oils and lubricants, accumulators, spare parts and...
Panter - Auto Parts - Auto Service Wholesale and Retail Auto Parts Well-known European manufacturers of parts: Valeo Purflux Metelli Teknorot Frigair Ipd Auto parts for car brands such as: Peugeot Citroen Renault Fiat The auto service spec...


Tamara Cosic: My family is my support in life

Her broad smile and boundless positive energy are trademark features belonging to Tamara Cosic, one of our most famous beauty bloggers in Serbia. Through Instagram and YouTube under the name "Lepa sva...
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The five 'Star's Stars'

Soccer club Red Star (Crvena Zvezda) has had the tradition of bestowing the title of 'Stars star" to the players who greatly influenced the club's history and who made the club famous around the world...
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How the janissaries killed the mother of Serbs

Hadji Mustafa Sinik-oglu who was the vizier of Belgrade between 1893 to 1801 was the fiercest opponent of the janissaries and fought against their return to power in Belgrade and Constantinople. Namel...
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