Weather forecast Belgrade 19 ℃
Partially cloudy with rain
Forecast for the next 5 days
Oils and filters


  • Address: 40 Ugrinovacka st., Zemun
  • Phone: +381 11 2615 697, 3757 989, 063 750 69 63
  • IMB Society Ltd. founded in 1992 as a family firm which operates in the auto parts store FORTUNA, with headquarters in Zemun, 40 Ugrinovačka street. In the past 16 years we have gained knowledge and...
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Dejan Potkonjak: Chronicler of the World's Fastest Circus

When he was a kid, he caught the "car fever," paving the way for his career as an editor for Top Speed and AutoBild, as well as his role as co-host of Lap76, the most popular automotive podcast in the...
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The five 'Star's Stars'

Soccer club Red Star (Crvena Zvezda) has had the tradition of bestowing the title of 'Stars star" to the players who greatly influenced the club's history and who made the club famous around the world...
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How the janissaries killed the mother of Serbs

Hadji Mustafa Sinik-oglu who was the vizier of Belgrade between 1893 to 1801 was the fiercest opponent of the janissaries and fought against their return to power in Belgrade and Constantinople. Namel...
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