Magic Groom Dog Grooming Salon is located in Nova Pazova. In our salon, we provide comprehensive care for your pets, whether they are show dogs or household companions.
Years of experience working with all dog breeds led to the creation of this salon, where all knowledge, expertise, and attention are focused on offering the highest quality services such as trimming, bathing, grooming, and more—everything necessary to ensure your dog is healthy and beautiful!
At Magic Groom Salon, we offer:
We believe that each dog deserves individual attention, and we never force anything on them, such as tying them down, sedating, or using other unpleasant methods. We respect your pet's personality and treat them with care, ensuring they are happy to visit us again, as will you.
In the pleasant atmosphere of the Magic Groom Salon, you will receive a full range of services for your show dog or household pet. Whether your dog needs grooming, bathing, coat reconstruction, or an exhibition or sports haircut, you are in the right place. Our team is here for you!
Dog grooming, brushing, bathing, and blow-drying.
Complete dog care in one place.
Everything you imagine and desire for your dog.