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Code and name of the airport LYBE Beograd / Nikola Tesla Aerodrome geogaphical data: - ARP coordinates (WGS 84) and site at AD - 444909.78N 0201825.44E 122° GEO / 1500 m from THR 12 - direction and distance from city - 275° GEO, 12 km from main railway station in Beograd - ELEV / Reference temperature - 102 m / 27°C (August) - MAG VAR / Annual change - 3°E (2005) / + 5.2\' - types of traffic permitted - IFR/VFR Time reference: Summer (March-September) UTC+2h, Winter (October-February) UTC+1h Airport operational hours: 05:00 - 23:00 LT Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has an ideal location related to other surrounding airports, as there are no navigational restrictions and it at the crossroads of major air routes. Air routes and approaches are equipped with modern radio-navigation equipment. Immediate surrounding of the airport has four precise systems for aircraft guidance (VOR, DME). Both runway approaches are equipped with precise radio-navigation equipment of ILS type and radar control, as well as other radio-navigational equipment (VOR, DME end so on) providing safe flight in adverse weather conditions. Runway approach direction 12 is equipped with approach navigation lights for CAT III conditions and runway approach 30 is equipped with approach navigation lights for CAT I conditions and their descent plane of visual approach is type PAPI for both threshold 12 and threshold 30. Approach lights on runway ends (equipped for CAT III conditions for approach 12 and for CAT I conditions for approach 30), runway lights, taxiway lights, connection and apron lights enable so called night start – night flights. All lights for guidance of aircraft are connected to auxiliary generator system which capacity and operational characteristics enable continual supply of electric power. FOLLOW ME vehicle leads aircraft to their apron position.