Restaurants with parking Palilula (inner city region),
Restaurants with parking Palilula - inner region. In our subcategory restaurants with parking you can find all information and companies from the city area restaurants with parking Palilula (inner city region),, presentations, offers, prices, working hours of companies in Belgrade.
The Chinese Restaurant MAKAO introduces you to the exoticism and uniqueness of Chinese cuisine, offering a variety of specialties.
Reservations and free home delivery - 011/3236-631!
Chinese cuisine - the table of one-fifth of humanity.
Special dishes are p...
Restaurants with parking Palilula (inner city region),
Restaurants with parking Palilula - inner region. In our subcategory restaurants with parking you can find all information and companies from the city area restaurants with parking Palilula (inner city region),, presentations, offers, prices, working hours of companies in Belgrade.