1. How and at what moment did you come up with the idea to start your own business?
The idea came from my husband, who gave me the encouragement.
2. Have you always wanted to be involved in your current activity?
Yes, it's my great passion.
3. What are you proud of in your business?
Significant progress, clients who come are families, and they've been coming for years.
4. What is the secret to your success? (List three attributes, behaviors, beliefs, or abilities)
Punctuality, kindness, and quality.
5. How supportive has your environment been, and who has been your greatest support?
Primarily my husband but also my children.
6. What is your guiding principle?
Never do anything you wouldn't want someone else to do to you.
7. What have you had to sacrifice?
More time with the family.
8. What drove you forward and how did you motivate yourself during tough times?
Every morning is a new morning, get up and let's move forward.
9. How would you advise new female entrepreneurs or a younger version of yourself?
Just to be persistent, love what you do, fulfill what you promise. Of course, be punctual and provide quality.
10. On a scale of 1-10, how challenging is it to be a female entrepreneur in Serbia?
10, there is very little support from the state for small businesswomen.