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MARIJA CURCIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURT INTERPRETER Translators, translation services Belgrade translate.Član 5 godina


Translators, translation services Belgrade
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  • Bus: 25, 25P, 26, 26N
  • Trolley: 22

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We have years of experience in providing all types of translation services to companies, state institutions, international organization, legal offices and individuals.

Translations for texts from various domains to and from English.

Certified translations for all types of legal documentation such as contracts, tender documentation, company registration, legislations, bylaws, registries, rules, lawsuits, rescripts, decisions, certificates, authorizations, consent, profit accounts, final accounts, financial statements and more.

Certified translations for personal documentation such as: birth certificates, diplomas, diploma additions, studying reports, grade lists, curriculums, lack of criminal record proof, citizenship papers, visitation papers and more.

Oral translation in front of the public notary and registrar, certificates for foreign signatures, weddings, newborn child registration and other procedures undertaken in front of state officials with international participants.

Base services: high quality standards for translation services, respect for deadlines, dedication to detail, reliability and complete confidentiality and discretion.
