VETERINARY AMBULANCE GRAVIDA Veterinary clinics, veterinarians Belgrade translate.Član 15 godina


Veterinary clinics, veterinarians Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 13:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 13:00 - 19:00
Thursday 13:00 - 19:00
Friday 13:00 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday We are closed


  • Bus: 33, 406L, 409, E9
  • Tram: 9, 10, 14

Useful information

Pet Friendly Parking Going out into the field

Žensko preduzetništvo Women's entrepreneurship


Violeta Janković

1. How and at what moment did you come up with the idea to start your business?
Veterinarians who decide to practice, in most cases, have the idea of starting their own clinic. It's natural. When certain knowledge is accumulated, when circumstances align with personal courage, then it happens.

2. Have you always wanted to be involved in your current line of work?
I was only interested in practice; it is still relevant today.

3. What are you proud of in your business?
Enthusiasm and dedication, just like at the beginning of my career (22 years).

4. What is the secret to your success? (List three qualities, behaviors, beliefs, or abilities)
Continuous education, improvement, and overcoming all inevitable obstacles. Dedication and the fight for every life.

5. How supportive has your environment been, and who has been your biggest support?
I didn't have the support of my family. From colleagues, yes.

6. What is your guiding motto?
Never give up. Never.

7. Do you have role models who have motivated or motivate you to continue working?
All successful and dedicated colleagues.

8. What have you had to sacrifice?
Free time, primarily. Devoted veterinarians live for veterinary medicine.

9. What has driven you forward, and how did you motivate yourself during tough times?
I didn't have a choice; I had to move forward. I lived and raised children from veterinary medicine.

10. Why is it better for a woman to be an entrepreneur than to be employed in a company?
Whether it's better, I don't know. It's relative. There are advantages, but also disadvantages.

11. What advice would you give to new female entrepreneurs or a younger version of yourself?
I'm not sure I would have any advice. Many colleagues admire me, but I'm not sure they would choose the path I took. I'm referring to the sacrifices and constant availability to clients. In any case, everyone decides differently.

12. On a scale of 1-10, how challenging is it to be a female entrepreneur in Serbia?
Let's say 5.

13. When you're a woman in the business world, how common are inappropriate offers?
There are no inappropriate offers; that is earned with an attitude.

14. Where exactly do you see yourself in 5 years?
Right where I am, and God willing, with a good successor to what I started.

Learn more

We have been here for you since 2001.

Since then, we have remained genuinely dedicated, available, engaged, and we still love all our patients.

The number of patient types has increased, including many horses.

If you are satisfied with our work, please rate us HERE.


Methods of payment
