GOLDERN PET VOZDOVAC VETERINARY AND PET SHOP Veterinary clinics, veterinarians Belgrade translate.Član 5 godina


Veterinary clinics, veterinarians Belgrade
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Working hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday We are closed


  • Bus: 33
  • Tram: 10 ,14, 9

Golden Pet Voždovac

The "Golden Pet" Veterinary Clinic is a specialized practice for pet medicine, focusing on the prevention and treatment of pet illnesses. Our clinic is particularly specialized in dog and cat surgery, with all surgical interventions carried out by a veterinary surgery specialist. We are located in Voždovac, at Vojvode Stepe 224, near Super Vera.

The founder and owner of "Golden Pet Voždovac" is Branislav Nikodijević, DVM, specialist in veterinary surgery, who has extensive experience working with animals. In the comfortable environment of our clinic, we offer the following services for your pet:

  • Professional consultations
  • Vaccinations for dogs and cats
  • Microchipping for dogs and cats
  • Complete laboratory diagnostics
  • Ultrasound examinations
  • Prevention of ecto- and endoparasites
  • Treatment for sick animals
  • Surgical procedures, including routine (sterilizations, castrations) and specialist (reconstructive surgery, oncological surgery)
  • Dentistry
  • Hospitalization for sick animals

The "Golden Pet" Veterinary Clinic strives to provide high-quality services at affordable prices, along with valuable advice and recommendations for the proper care of your dog or cat. Our love for animals, individual approach to each patient, and the dedication and responsibility of our staff will make your pet's visit to the "Golden Pet" clinic a pleasant experience.

Clinical Examination:
The clinical examination is the most powerful diagnostic tool in our hands. It allows us to gain an initial understanding of the quality of your pet's life, the impact of nutrition on growth, development, and health, the condition of the fur and skin, dental health, and to identify minor details and changes that may indicate illness, developmental anomalies, or other problems that could arise during the pet's life. The clinical examination will guide us towards special diagnostic methods (blood analysis, ultrasound, ECG, X-ray, MRI, CT, etc.) with the goal of protecting your pet's health, saving you time and money. To ensure a comprehensive and effective examination, cooperation and proactive participation from the pet owner are essential, especially in providing information about the pet's health, behavior, habits, and other circumstances that the veterinarian will discuss with you. The general clinical exam includes a check of fur and skin, body openings, mucous membranes, teeth, eyes, auscultation of the chest, accessible lymph nodes, mammary glands in females, and the measurement of body temperature, respiration, and pulse. Depending on the issue, special examination methods may include a neurological exam, ophthalmological exam, otoscopy, and others, but they all begin with a general exam. The time spent on the examination varies depending on the case, so we ask for your understanding, patience, and cooperation as we work towards our common goal – the health of your pet!

At the "Golden Pet" clinic, we adhere to the old saying, "prevention is better than cure." This phrase truly captures our approach to your pet's health. We strive to fully inform you about the actions you can take independently to promote better health for your pet and prevent illness, ranging from basic matters (how often to feed your pet, how to clean their eyes, ears, teeth, nails, coat, etc.) to knowing when, how, how often, and why preventive vaccinations, parasite protection, and disease prevention measures should be taken. After an examination before preventive vaccination, we will guide you on proper nutrition and care for your pet, explain the effects of sex hormones on growth and development, and discuss potential diseases that may arise due to hormones, as well as preventive surgeries to prevent such issues. During promotional months, we conduct preventive exams and tests at discounted prices for diseases that may jeopardize your pet's health.

Microchipping and Issuance of Certificates:
At "Golden Pet," we offer permanent identification (microchipping) and the issuance of certificates (passports) and health certificates necessary for traveling outside the Republic of Serbia. Permanent identification (microchipping) of pets (dogs and cats) is legally required, so every pet must be marked in a way that unequivocally identifies its identity and the owner's identity. The procedure involves placing a microchip under the pet’s neck skin, a simple and quick process that requires no special preparations. The chips are made of inert glass that does not react with the pet’s tissue and poses no health risks. The chip sends a unique 15-digit number that is entered into a database, along with the pet's and owner's details. Microchips are especially useful in cases of pet loss, allowing a veterinarian to scan the chip and notify the owner of the pet’s location.

Vaccinations and Revaccinations:
At "Golden Pet," we have a selection of monovalent and polyvalent vaccines from world-renowned manufacturers for the preventive vaccination of your pet. Vaccines are the only reliable protection against viral and bacterial diseases that can threaten your pet's health. The first vaccinations are given as early as possible after the pet has weaned, with the first dose typically given at 6-9 weeks of age, followed by two additional doses at 3-week intervals. This vaccination schedule is necessary to ensure your pet develops a strong immunity against the diseases for which they are vaccinated, minimizing the risk of illness when encountering "wild" viruses during walks. Following the initial doses, "booster" vaccinations are administered according to a program tailored to your pet's health, habits, and environment, as well as the current epidemiological situation in the area. Every vaccination is preceded by a thorough clinical exam, and vaccines can only be administered to completely healthy animals. Vaccinations for young animals always follow deworming to ensure a full and risk-free immune response.

Laboratory Diagnostics:
Modern veterinary practice cannot function without quality laboratory diagnostics. At the "Golden Pet" clinic, we offer blood tests (complete blood count, blood biochemistry, cytological and parasitological blood smear tests), urine tests (physical-chemical urine analysis, urine sediment analysis, and microbiology), swab tests, and fecal parasitology analyses. Additionally, we offer a wide range of rapid diagnostic tests for various diseases, including heartworm, distemper, parvovirus, coronavirus, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, giardiasis in dogs, and FIV, FeLV, FIP, giardiasis in cats. We provide test results as quickly as possible, accurately and affordably.

When your pet's health declines and symptoms of illness appear, even the smallest ones, we respond quickly, efficiently, and effectively to protect and restore their health. At "Golden Pet," we use only the highest quality, proven medications from world-renowned manufacturers to achieve maximum effectiveness in the shortest time, without any risk to our patients' health.

Teeth are the primary "tools" that your pet uses daily for eating. Therefore, dental health is crucial for a long, healthy life. Dental exams are among the first checks we perform from your pet's earliest age. Problems like misaligned teeth (orthodontic disorders), excess teeth in the jaw (polydontia), missing permanent teeth, and issues with the alignment of upper and lower teeth (malocclusion) are hereditary and can lead to serious problems later in life. Identifying and correcting these issues early is important to prevent or minimize their consequences. Even a perfectly healthy set of teeth requires regular check-ups and preventive treatments to keep them functional. We offer ultrasonic scaling, surgical extractions, gingivoplasty, and other treatments to maintain dental health.

Ultrasound Diagnostics:
Ultrasound is a powerful diagnostic tool with many applications. At "Golden Pet," we offer ultrasound exams for early pregnancy detection as early as 23 days after mating/insemination, which allows us to confirm or rule out pregnancy and check the condition of the fetuses. We also use ultrasound extensively for diagnosing diseases of abdominal organs (liver, spleen, kidneys), reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, prostate, testes), digestive organs (stomach, small and large intestines), and urinary organs (bladder, ureters, urethra). In oncology, ultrasound helps classify and differentiate new changes based on echogenicity. We also use cardiac ultrasound to assess heart function and Doppler ultrasound for blood flow analysis.

One of the priorities at the "Golden Pet" clinic is ensuring the health and well-being of breeding pets and their offspring. If conception issues arise, our veterinarians can help treat infertility and improve fertility in both male and female pets. We monitor optimal mating times by checking hormone levels and conducting cytological smears. We also perform microbiological exams of the reproductive organs of both potential parents. Before mating, we evaluate male fertility by analyzing sperm count and motility. After conception, we monitor fetal development and the health of the pregnant female. When the time comes, we assist with the birth to ensure a smooth process, including a cesarean if necessary.

Genetic Testing:
We increasingly focus on the genetic health of breeding animals. Correctly performed and interpreted genetic tests guarantee the health of the offspring. At "Golden Pet," we offer a range of tests for hereditary diseases depending on the species and breed of your pet.

The condition of your pet's skin and coat reflects its overall health. Skin diseases can be isolated issues or signs of systemic health problems. We perform thorough diagnostics, including samples and tests (swabs, scrapings, biopsies) to identify and treat skin conditions, ensuring proper healing and minimizing recurrence.

Vision is crucial for your pet’s navigation in the world, so we pay close attention to eye health. Our ophthalmic diagnostics include tear production tests, corneal injury tests, and detailed examinations of the eye's internal and external structures. We also correct congenital abnormalities and treat injuries and infections affecting the eye and its accessories.

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